Friday, June 22, 2007


Placed 6th in an 18 person NL SnG tournament. I more than doubled up on the first hand after I got in on the big blind with Ac 2c and flopped the wheel. I rode that to the final table. My stack got chipped away at for a while since every time I entered the pot, I was hit with reraises and forced to fold. Eventually a guy I had been watching raised all in. It was a pretty random move from him, but I didn't think he had a premium starting hand because he wouldn't want to waste it. I had pocket 9s and read the situation for a coin flip. Usually I prefer to avoid coin flips, but for the situation I was currently in, I had to take it. I called and it was my 9s against his AJ suited. I haven't been able to win any coin flips in a long time (not that I've seen very many though) and this time was no exception. He flopped an ace, I never caught up, and I was done.

No cash, but I'm still play relatively well. I may be playing too tight, but considering the primitive players I'm up against, I have no choice. My hands are tied and I'm forced to play games for play money. If I had it my way, I'd be at the casino whenever I could and I'd be playing SnGs for some real $$.

One day...

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