Sunday, June 17, 2007

NLHE again

I played in a 9-person 10K NLHE SnG. I've never been more card dead in my life. The only moderately good hands I got were AQ, A9 suited, and pocket 6s. I had to fold the AQ preflop due to a raise/reraise situation. The A9 I had in the BB, there were only 2 other people in the hand, so I took the flop which bricked out. I was eliminated on the pocket 6s.

I couldn't get anything going and it would have been foolhardy to try to steal. The whole table were the worst players ever, raising 5x the BB when they had their good hands and calling other people's huge raises with hands like K 10 off. The obvious strategy was to wait for a good hand, raise it, and get all my money from the idiotic calling stations. It would have worked too if I had gotten any hands.

There wasn't a single person at the table that I couldn't read. I knew when people were strong, I knew when they were weak. Much of the time I succeeded in calling their exact hands.

In the end, I was dealt pocket 6s, the best hand I had seen so far. I was down to 900 and the big blind was at 100. There were 5 people left. Some guy in early position raised it. I felt fairly certain that we were in a coin flip situation which is exactly what I need to win if I'm going to get back into the game. I moved all in behind him, everybody folded. He called with AK suited, flopped an ace, and I was done.


I'm playing in a 10K HORSE tournament right now and I'm easily the best player at the table. I'm winning with about double my starting stack. I would have more except for this Omaha Hi/Lo hand:

I had JJA8 and I was two suited. 6 people went to the flop which came J 4 9 rainbow. A simple raise was bound to chase out the people hoping to make a low, and it did. Only two people stayed in the hand with me. I felt that straight draws or two pair were the most likely hands. This meant that if I could also make runner-runner low I could scoop the pot. Before we saw the turn, we went to a 3 bet.

The turn card was a beautiful 2. It put a flush draw on the board with two diamonds. The turn was another 3 bet.

River was a K. I hated this card as I had previously put one of my opponents on pocket Ks and just playing stupid. I checked, there was a bet and two calls (including my own). It turned out that I was right and one of the players had trip kings.

I congratulate myself for a dead on read since it's just more confirmation that I'm playing some of my best poker lately. Still, I couldn't help but be a little peeved. The girl with the trip kings had foolishly held on to her over pair despite all the evidence they were no good. With all the raising that was going on, there was no way that kings would ever be the best hand in that situation (especially since there was no low on the board). Her reasoning for her bad play was that she turned a king high flush draw. Of course, she had to call a 3 bet on the flop with a hand she knew was rubbish.

I then won the next pot with a full house, 8s full of aces. I scooped the entire thing since I had already chased out the low draws. There are six people left and I have 1K more than the nearest person. It's not over yet though and anything could still happen as the blinds go up. I'll keep you informed.

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