Monday, July 2, 2007

No Title

Quick update...

Took THIRD place in two different HORSE games. I play well to start and then I just can't keep my concentration and focus. Once we hit the money my mind seems to loosen up and my play slacks a little. I also think I might be playing too tight in general.

I went out 6th in a 6-Person NLHE sit and go. It was brutal. This one guy was a total luck box and hit everything, it was ridiculous. I had pocket queens and I don't know what he had, but I had to give it up at the end with the board showing 4 6 6 2 5. He played the hand like he was slow playing trips or chasing a draw, either way, I was beat by the end. He moved all in on the river, a typical amateur play from somebody who knows their stack isn't at risk and is just hoping to be called. I folded of course. I have no doubt I was beat.

I saw just a couple flops with "marginal" hands and didn't manage to hit anything substantial. I won one pot when I flopped top pair but it was small because I had no action.

Then I got pocket aces and it was the perfect time. The guy from the queens had just took a brutal beat (trips losing to trips with better kicker) and lost over half his stack. Considering how he had played so far, I knew he'd be steaming. He called in early position, everybody folded to me in the BB, and I knew the best way to play him would be to play it hard. I raised, he called. Flop was 9 4 9. I bet, he raised, I didn't have too much left and just went all in. He called... he had 9 8. It was so sick. I make the perfect read on somebody, I knew he was steaming and I knew he would call with any two cards... and he flops trips... in the previous hand he had trips... in the hand when I had pocket queens he might have flopped trips. Apparently this guy just had the grace of God on his side.

I want NLHE to be less frustrating!!

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