Thursday, July 19, 2007

Rollin' Along

Took first place in a 6-person 10K sit and go.

Took seventh place in a 90-person 10K sit and go. I'm not happy with my play at the final table, I could've done a lot better. I took the chip lead after the first two hands, but the blinds were so big compared to everybody's stacks that the chip lead quickly started moving around. Two hands did me in.

Hand #1:

Blinds 2000/4000, I'm in the BB with 5h9h. The button doubles the blind to 4000. The SB calls, and I call.

Flop: A A J

Checks all around.

Turn: 5

The short stack in the SB moves all in. I think about it and decide that it's worth the it. I call. The button folds.

My opponent has pocket 10s and they hold up on the river.

Hand #2:

I have pocket eights in the SB. I plan on raising it, but UTG+1 doubles the blind to 4000. I decide to just call, so does the BB.

Flop 4 10 7 rainbow.

I move all in. BB folds. UTG+1 calls and shows pocket aces. I don't improve and I'm out.

I originally thought that he had a big a hand like that, but there was 12K in the pot and I only had 7K left. If he has AK he has to fold. No such luck though.

There were a few hands at the final table that I should have raised preflop to try to steal the blinds and I didn't take the chance. I had A6 UTG at one point and the whole table was playing fairly tight and a raise there probably would have taken the blinds for me. Oh well, live and learn. At least I still cashed which means in the last 7 sit and go's I've played in, I've cashed 7 times with 4 first place finishes.

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